Afghan heroes
Life on the front line in Afghanistan was under the spotlight in a recent art exhibition.
Images of soldiers were on show recently at the Grimsby Institute. Artist Jonathan Ben-Abeer, from Cleethorpes, said: “When I heard about the incident involving five of our soldiers being killed by an Afghan policeman, it really touched me.
“I got in contact with the regimental headquarters of the Grenadier Guards and they sent me some photographs to show what was going on. I started to understand what life was like out there and this was the inspiration for my work.
“My exhibition was called ‘Welcome to the Front Line’ and included eleven different pieces. The photos I used built a more personal picture of life out there and these images create a different view of the front line than the ones generally portrayed in the media. The pieces themselves took six months to complete.”
Donations and a £1 entry fee on the first night were given to two charities: The Colonel’s Fund Grenadier Guards and Afghan Heroes.
The Colonel’s Fund Grenadier Guards supports, alleviates and improves the prospects of all Grenadiers in need, and families of those killed in action or wounded. Afghan Heroes works with members of the British forces and their families affected by the military operations in Afghanistan and other current deployments.
The simplest way to help is to donate online to Afghan Heroes. Monies raised will have a direct and positive impact upon our service personnel. Please visit www.afghanheroes.org.uk
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