Equestrian Life – December 2010

Words by:
Bernard Bale
Featured in:
December 2010

December heralds the end of the year and it has certainly been a good one for Lincolnshire equestrians with national competition winners and some great, well-attended events as well as new facilities opening in the county. Yes, 2010 will go down as a memorable year – can’t wait for 2011!!
The North Lincolnshire branch of the British Horse Society recently held a very sucessful annual meeting at the Lincolnshire Rural Activities Centre, Kenwick near Louth. The main attraction was Garry Bosworth, an associate of the renowned Kelly Marks Intelligent Horsemanship, who gave a clinic demonstration of long reigning. But there was a great deal of interest too in a demonstration of how horses are rescued by Lincolnshire fire crews using lifting gear. Everyone agreed it had been a great night.

Congratulations to Manor House Stables in Martin for winning both a silver and a bronze award at the East Midlands Tourism Enjoy England Excellence Awards. Only the best for the guests – and horses – at Manor House!!
Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance and Lives shared a £540 cheque presented by Brook House Farm riding school from money raised earlier in the year at the opening of the stables’ new 40-metre indoor arena. The Scamblesby riding school is additionally an annexe for Lincoln College which sends around thirty students there to study for their NVQs in equestrian studies. Want to know more? Try www.brookhousefarm.com.

Weelsby Park Riding School set a novel competition when they asked for designs for a new logo for the family-run establishment. Whoever designed the chosen logo would receive six months of riding lessons. The change of logo is just one of the developments at Weelsby Park which intends launching a special scheme for riders who do not own their own ponies, enabling them to learn about stable management and enjoying special events.

It comes to all of us at some time. For some it comes sooner rather than later while for others they can have years in the saddle before it happens to them. What are we talking about? Falling off! There are those who gracefully fly through the air watched by their smiling horse or pony. Others are less sophisticated and are dumped sideways like a sack of potatoes tumbling off the back of a lorry. Whatever your chosen method, hopefully the only real pain is bruised self-esteem.

If you are shocked or injured make sure you get some attention before you try to get back in the saddle. If you have had to let go of the reins, someone else will make sure your horse is safe.

Most of all, when you have a fall, check that you are OK and then ride again as soon as possible – AND DON’T DO IT AGAIN!

Isn’t it incredible how the year seems to have come and gone so quickly and here we are again facing dark, cold nights and seemingly endless rounds of changing rugs and cleaning muddy legs! But there is something comforting about the sound of a horse contentedly munching in his stable, all snugly wrapped in his winter rugs isn’t there?

This time of year brings much reflection, a look back at what we’ve done this year and whether or not we have managed to stay on the course that we had plotted for ourselves in terms of development, achievement and enjoying the lives that we share with our equine friends. Anticipation is also an emotion widely felt at this time of year, what will Santa bring! The New Year presents opportunities for us to build on what we’ve already done or perhaps change what we’ve been doing, especially those of us that have felt disappointed when we’ve reflected on the past year and feel that it could have been better and/or different in some way. For those of us that are lucky enough to be sat smiling having had a fabulous, on-target, enjoyable year then a pat on the back is in order, well done!

Just stop for a moment and think back to last year when perhaps you clipped your horse for the first clip of the year, or when you started to stable him at night when it became cold and then go back another year… and another… What I am trying to get across is that this time of year, as with any other time of year, seems to come and go and come again all too quickly and if you are not careful it is very easy to drift along and waste these precious years with your horse if you are not doing what you really want to do with them – be that competing, training, hacking, working with horses or even trying a new aspect of equestrianism. So go on, make this the year that you take action and do something you want to do or change something you want to change or try something you want to try! Good Luck! Merry Christmas and I hope that Santa remembers you and yours!
Sarah Payne, Sheepgate Equestrian, in Boston

Odda Farm Livery is a small, family run yard offering quality livery and facilities at affordable prices. Based at Saxilby just off the A57 into Lincoln the yard is within easy reach of all the main competition centres in Lincolnshire. At Odda Farm they pride themselves on offering outstanding facilities such as normally found at much larger competition yards whilst retaining the friendly, approachable atmosphere of a family-run yard.

There is a great spirit amongst the clients where everyone is supported and encouraged to achieve their riding goals whether it be eventing or hacking out. Team Odda regularly achieves success at many of the local competitions both unaffiliated and affiliated.

Odda Farm holds in-house competitions for those clients who don’t feel confident enough to compete at the bigger venues, or for those who don’t have their own transport. The idea is to have loads of fun and most people find themselves jumping jumps they never thought they could.

Interested? You can contact Odda Farm Livery on 07980016264, email: oddafarmlivery@msn.com or take a look at the website which is www.oddafarmlivery.com.

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