Equestrian Life – September 2012

Words by:
Bernard Bale
Featured in:
September 2012

All roads are leading to Burghley as this edition arrives in the shops and this year’s Land Rover Horse Trials promises to be bigger and better than ever, especially after the excitement of the Olympics and the medals that have stayed in Britain.
It probably seems like ages ago now but riders and helpers from the Lincolnshire Wolds Riding for Disabled had a great holiday in Wales some weeks ago. This has been a regular annual event since the start of the millennium and one of the most eagerly anticipated on the calendar.

The group consisted of parents as well as the helpers and riders and everyone agreed they had had a great time at the Special Riding and Driving Centre in Clwyd. As well as riding there was also an ‘own a pony’ opportunity which meant grooming as well. During school term time the group meets every Tuesday from 5pm to 7pm at the LRAC in Kenwick and new riders and helpers are always welcome.

It was amazing to witness the fantastic equestrian skills of our three teams at the London 2012 Olympics. The showjumpers claimed gold for the first time in sixty years, the eventers took silver and it was fantastic to see the dressage team take gold in convincing style followed by individual gold and individual bronze. I’m sure the whole nation were gripped, witnessing such fantastically talented riders that Great Britain can be so proud of. The dressage scene is one close to my heart and Sheepgate are delighted to have welcomed both Laura Bechtolsheimer and Charlotte Dujardin in previous years to compete at our Lincolnshire venue. The whole team was inspirational but to see the individual medal winners being such young, exceptionally talented young ladies must surely bring dressage into the public eye like never before. The breathtaking performances were amazing to watch with the immense speculation mounting that the gold medal could be heading our way; I cannot even start to imagine what was going through the minds of those riders as they were performing as one with their stunning horses. To have spent so many weeks, months and years to prepare for this highlight and then to be able to have both horse and rider at their peak at the right time is impressive to say the least. Dressage was once titled the fastest growing equestrian discipline offering any perfectionist a challenge with their horses, double gold – it doesn’t get more perfect than that! Well done Carl Hester, Charlotte Dujardin and Laura Bechtolsheimer!

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