Shooting Times – May 2011

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May 2011

Have you noticed how much shooting has developed in recent years in particular with more and more people taking up the sport. Equipment has become more sophisticated and many gun clubs are reporting increased memberships as people look for different forms of recreation. The sport is looking good and as the clock ticks away towards the 2012 Olympics the smell of gold, silver and bronze is in the air. Stick with Gun Room and we’ll keep you up to date.
BASC has organised another introductory day for young shooters in the region. BASC Young Shots Introductory Days are designed specifically for young people (8-17 years of age) to provide education and training in shooting and country sports. You do not have to be a member of BASC to participate in Introductory Days and all levels of experience are catered for.

Applicants will receive instruction in the safe handling and use of shotguns and air rifles. They will also receive one-to-one tuition in clay shooting and air rifles and take part in other countryside activities which will vary according to venue facilities and coach availability. Activities covered are likely to be taken from the following – the training and working of gundogs – fly casting – gamekeeping and conservation – countryside awareness – hunting with hawks and ferrets. This is a ‘hands-on’ day where all individuals actively participate in each of the disciplines under the tuition and guidance of experienced coaches.

The day begins with introductions and safety talk at 10am. Youngsters are then put into a group and circulate around the various activities finishing around 3.30pm. All that is needed is your own packed lunch and drinks. You do not need to have previous shooting experience in order to attend the day nor do you need to own a gun. All equipment will be provided for you. The cost of the day is £15 per applicant.

These special days are being held regularly in our region. More details are available by calling 01889 565050 or sending an email to

KWACS is the Keadby Wildfowling And Conservation Society which was first started in early 1993. A comprehensive set of rules was drawn up using personal experience, BASC guidelines and the rules and constitutions of various other organisations. The society was accepted by BASC in September 1993. The society then applied for affiliation to the South Humber Area Joint Council of Wildfowling Clubs affiliated to BASC and were also accepted. Thanks to this affiliation to the SHAJC, members enjoy some superb wildfowling on two good stretches of the south bank of the river Humber on England’s east side.
KWACS aims are:-
• To promote and participate in the sport of wildfowling and other branches of shooting and related activities.
• To conserve wildfowl and their habitat subject to the requirements of the sport of wildfowling.
• To ensure that their members do not discredit the society, BASC or shooting in general through their behaviour.
• To endeavour to obtain areas for shooting and manage them in the best interests of their members and the sport in general.
• To enlighten the general public with regards to their chosen branch of shooting and other forms of country pursuits in general.
• To bring together people from all walks of life with an interest in country pursuits.

Although an informal organisation the society is governed by a strict set of rules. There is a healthy membership but are always willing to consider applications for membership from interested persons. The society caters for junior membership as well as adults but insist for safety sake that the juniors are accompanied until they reach the age of eighteen. KWACS hold meetings on the first Monday of the month and this is where the informal approach can be clearly seen. The members are not just people with a similar interest but are a group of friends and as such any disagreements regarding rules, policies etc are usually discussed amicably and settled within minutes to the satisfaction of all the members present. The rules are amended as and when considered necessary by mutual agreement after sometimes lengthy discussion among the society members. KWACS feels that all members should contribute their input to any decisions which affect the society in general although a six man committee of elected officials deals with disciplinary and membership matters.

Members are asked to attend four meetings per annum held local to Scunthorpe. In most cases unless there is urgent business to discuss the secretary sends out a monthly newsletter informing the members of any new legislation, relevant items of interest e.g. cessation of shooting due to severe weather and news from the SHAJC, BASC and other relevant organisations with which the society is involved. News updates are also posted regularly on the website for those with internet access.

It is great to see an increase in people taking up shooting in the county this year so it is worth a reminder of this guide issued by Lincolnshire Police.
• NEVER point a gun at anyone
• ALWAYS unload your gun before crossing an obstacle
• ALWAYS hand a gun to someone else with the breech open
• NEVER load a gun indoors unless on an approved range
• NEVER allow unsupervised children to handle guns or ammunition
• NEVER stand a gun against anything where it can be knocked over
• NEVER put a loaded gun down
• NEVER shoot unless you are sure what you are shooting
• NEVER shoot unless you are sure it is safe to do so
• NEVER shoot unless you are steady on your feet
• ALWAYS ensure that the cartridge/bullet type and shot size is suitable for your purpose and gun
• DO NOT mix ammunition and cartridges together
• ALWAYS clean your gun before putting it away
• ALWAYS keep your gun locked away securely

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