Lincolnshire Gardens Trust Photographic Competition 2018

It was our pleasure, once again, to be invited to help judge the Lincolnshire Gardens Trust Photographic Competition for 2018.
The highly commended and winning entries in each category were presented with their awards at the Trust’s Annual General Meeting which was held International Bomber Command Centre, Lincoln in November.


A Picture in a Lincolnshire Garden Open to the Public
1st: ‘Gardens of Surprise – Burghley House’ by Michael Hopkin
2nd: ‘Trees Near Water – Normanby Hall’ by Rachel Dixon
3rd: ‘Walled Garden – Gunby Hall’ by Daniel Rollitt
Highly commended: ‘Pond – Baumber Walled Garden’ by Gill Ogburn

In My Lincolnshire Garden
1st: ‘Sunflowers in Conversation’ by Heather Boothroyd

Junior Category – Let’s get Out There!
1st: ‘A Delicate Delight’ by Izzy Schofield
Highly commended: ‘Trees in Sunset’ by Maddie Dixon

Garden Personality
1st: ‘Squirrel reaching for Sunflower Seeds’ by Heather Boothroyd
Highly commended: ‘Beast from the East’ by Elizabeth Morris
Highly commended: ‘Little Robin in our Garden’ by Rachel Dixon

Taste of Lincolnshire
1st: ‘Sweet Rose Petals and Marzipan – Tattershall Castle’ by Julie Etherington

Plant Portrait – Sponsored by Lincolnshire Life Magazine
1st: ‘After the Rain’ by Daniel Rollitt
Highly commended: ‘Daffodils in Central Park Scunthorpe’ by Elizabeth Morris
Highly commended: ‘Dahlias’ by Tracey Etherington
Highly commended: ‘Tulip’ by Josh Hedley

If you would like to enter the competition in 2019, entry forms can be found on the Trust’s website:

The closing date is Friday 18th October 2019 and entries can be emailed to: or (Digital images need to be available in high resolution and at least 300dpi) or sent by post to: Steffie Shields, The Old Orchard, Church Lane, Welby, Lincolnshire NG32 3LS.

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