Beetroot Cured Salmon

Preparation time: 15 minutes + resting

Cured salmon:
500g salmon
200g salt
100g sugar
100g raw beetroot
Sprig of fennel
Lemon juice

Mascarpone, horseradish
and chives:
100g mascarpone
2tsp horseradish
2tsp chives
Lemon juice

Fermented fennel:
1 bulb fennel
1tsp fennel seeds
1tbsp Maldon salt
1 lemon
Kilner jar

Featured in:
January 2019

To make the salmon:
• Blend grated raw beetroot, salt, sugar, lemon juice and fennel together.
• Sit the salmon on half of the mix in a container and spread the rest on top.
• Leave in the fridge for 36 hours to cure.
• To serve, rinse, pat dry and slice thinly.

To make the mascarpone, horseradish and chives:
• Combine all the ingredients together with a spatula.
• Season with a little salt and pepper.

To make the fermented fennel:
• Slice fennel very finely on a mandolin and press down in the kilner jar.
• Cut the lemon into quarters and place in kilner jar, squeezing as you do.
• Sprinkle over the salt and fennel seeds.
• Cover with water and leave in a cool, dry place for 1-2 months.

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