Duo of coffee scented cinnamon and beetroot and raspberry parfait

Preparation time: 20 minutes + 8 hours freezing time
Cooking time: 10 minutes

For the cinnamon parfait:
250ml whipping cream – lightly whipped
3 fresh egg yolks
3 fresh egg whites, whipped to a soft peak
150g caster sugar
50g freshly ground coffee
1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

For the beetroot parfait:
250ml whipping cream – lightly whipped
3 fresh egg yolks
3 fresh egg whites, whipped to a soft peak
150g caster sugar
250g fresh raspberries
1 medium cooked beetroot
The seeds of one vanilla bean

Featured in:
February 2013

Place the sugar in a deep based pan with 2 tablespoons of water and gently cook on low until melted and clear, then set aside.

In a mixer, place the egg yolks with the cinnamon and ground coffee, then whisk on high and gently pour in all the melted sugar. Whisk until pale and fluffy for about 5 minutes. Stop whisking and with the help of a spoon gently fold in the cream and the egg whites. Pour into a container and freeze for at least 8 hours.

To make the raspberry parfait, place the sugar in a deep based pan with 2 tablespoons of water and add the raspberries and chopped beetroot. Gently cook on low for 3-4 minutes, then add the vanilla seeds and blend. Use the same method as above but just substitute the plain sugar with the raspberries, beetroot and sugar mix making sure you strain it before adding it to the egg yolks and then freeze until needed.

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