Game rillettes
Gas 2, 120°C. Place all the ingredients for the confit into an oven proof dish, cover and cook in the oven for 2 hours, until very tender. Remove the game from the fat and leave to cool a little. Discard the veg. Using one-third of the fat slowly cook the onion and garlic until soft. Flake the meat when it’s warm enough to handle and work in the fat mix. Add the herbs and season well.
Lay two layers of cling film on a flat surface and add the mixture, wrap with the cling film and roll like a thick sausage. Refrigerate for 4 hours.
Slice and serve with toasted focaccia slices and sautéed fresh cranberries in butter.
Place all ingredients – except for the carrots – into a pan and bring to the boil, leave for 10 minutes, then strain. Put the carrots into the vinegar mix and boil until the carrots are nearly dry. Puree the carrots and pass through a sieve.
Place all the ingredients except for the mushrooms in a pan and bring to the boil. Clean and prepare the mushrooms into desired size. Pour the hot mix over the mushrooms, when cool leave in the fridge overnight. Strain the mushrooms and discard the vinegar mix.
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