Roast Brussels Sprouts Fajitas with homemade Oat-Flour Tortillas


3 teaspoons of your favourite spice blend mix – I’m using a chipotle style spice blend
4 banana shallots – quartered lengthways
2 packets of baby sweetcorn – halved lengthways
4 large Portobello or field mushrooms – thickly sliced
1 yellow pepper – sliced
1 red pepper – sliced
6 large Brussels sprouts – halved
1 medium leek – halved and chopped
2 medium red chillis – whole
3 cloves garlic – skin on
3 tablespoons olive oil

For the soft flour tortillas:
320g plain flour
100g oat flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
72ml (roughly 5 tablespoons) extra virgin olive oil
250ml warm water

Start by making the tortillas by combining the flour, salt and baking powder in the bowl of a stand mixer. Using the dough hook, mix the dry ingredients until well combined, then add the oil and water with the mixer running at a medium speed. After about 1 minute, or when the mixture comes together and begins to form a ball, decrease the speed to low. Continue to mix for 1 minute or until the dough is smooth. Place a tea towel over the dough and set aside to rest for 10 min – the dough won’t rise but the gluten needs time to relax.

Place the dough onto a lightly floured work surface and divide it into 16 equal portions. Coat each piece liberally with flour and then form each piece into a ball and flatten with the palm of your hand. Sprinkle each flattened ball of dough with flour, then stack them gently into piles of 5, cover them all with a tea towel and allow to rest for another 10 minutes.

Place a large pan over medium heat. Roll each dough piece into a rough circle, about 6-7 inches in diameter – you should be liberal with the flour again. When the pan is hot, place one tortilla into the pan and allow to cook for about 1 minute or until the bottom surface has a few pale brown spots and the uncooked surface is bubbly. Keep an eye on the heat and adjust accordingly so that they don’t cook too fast or too slow. Flip to other side and cook for 15-20 seconds. The tortillas should be nice and soft but have a few small brown spots on the surface.

Remove from the pan with tongs and stack in a covered container to keep the tortillas soft.

To make the roasted vegetables simply place into a large bowl, drizzle with the olive oil and then sprinkle with two or three teaspoons or your spice mix – stir around to ensure all the veg is coated and then pour all the vegetables into the centre of a large sheet of foil. Fold up the edges of the foil to create a little tipi and place on a warm BBQ for 20 min – open the tipi after this time and let the veg crisp up a little for a further 5 min (the same can be done in the oven in a large casserole dish covered in foil).

Serve with sour cream and smashed avocado and lime juice, rolled inside the fresh tortilla!

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