Roast rump of lamb


4 x 6oz lamb rumps
1 x 2k boned shoulder of lamb
2 large potatoes
2 large sweet potatoes
100g golden raisins
50ml white wine vinegar
100g caster sugar
100g mint
100g whole almonds, skin on

Featured in:
May 2019

Place shoulder of lamb in roasting tray and braise with red wine and mirepoix of vegetables for 3 hours until meat is soft.Take meat out of tray and strain liquid, reduce in pan, add half to meat and shred. Roll in cling film and set in fridge.

Peel and dice potatoes, cover with water, add a teaspoon of salt and bring to boil. Cook until soft, mash until smooth.

Bring white wine vinegar, mint and caster sugar to boil and pour over raisins. Leave to cool.

Season lamb rumps with salt and pepper and place in hot frying pan and sear. Roast in oven with almonds at 180C for 8 minutes. Take out and leave to rest for 5 min.

While resting pipe mash onto lamb shoulder, cut into 2″ thick discs and bake in oven for 10 min. Reduce other half of lamb cooking liquid, arrange ingredients on plate and serve.

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